24 nov


A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia és a Tomori Pál Főiskola közös szervezésű nemzetközi konferencián
2020. november 17.

A Tomori Pál Főiskola és a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia közös rendezésű online nemzetközi konferenciájának nyitó plenáris előadását Hossó Nikoletta c. egyetemi docens, az NPRSZ alapító elnöke tartotta angol nyelven.

A nemzetközi tudományos konferencia címe: Kultúrák találkozása a tudományban – Jövőformáló tudomány.” / Meeting of Cultures in the Science –  Science Forming the Future”

Előadásának címe: „Changing Role of Protokoll in the World of Diplomacy and International Relations”.

Előadásának absztrakja megjelent a konferencia absztraktfüzetében.

A teljes beszéd a jövőre megjelenő konferenciakötetben lesz nyilvánosan elérhető.


„Protocol has always been interpreted as a set of international courtesy rules, a means of subconscious persuasion in diplomacy. These well-established and time-honored rules have made it easier for nations and people to live and work together.

Protocol creates space and sets its framework where offline and online meetings may take place. By ensuring a smooth organisation, participants at these meetings and events and especially those acting as host and as guests may focus on the content of the event without having to worry about the unexpected.

Protocol has by definition its own fields of profession. Depending on the entities and scope applied we can distinguish five specific areas – state, diplomacy, military, sport and ecclesiastical protocol.

In international context we are talking about “international protocol” – which normally means the rules of interstate communication defined by the Vienna Act on Diplomatic Relations in 1961. Though, in a more general interpretation we also need to integrate intercultural diversity often rooting from different backgrounds, traditions, history and sensitivities.

The year of 2020 has brought us many changes we all must face and react to. Protocol as such and protocol professionals are no different. Meetings, delegation programs, conferences have become unconventional to the end. The rise of online and hybrid events demands the skill of adaptivity both in international relations and protocol.

On the 24 of October, the World Organisation of Protocol (WOP) was born. With more than 33 member states represented by their professionals, it has created a global platform after a successful online conference with speakers from 40 countries. This cooperation is unprecedented, so is the COVID-situation we live in, and are the questions we need to answer.

The world is unstoppably changing therefore protocol is forced to adapt. But how can we tackle the problems and train the new generations of protocol professionals?”


 international protocol, diplomacy, adaptability, online and hybrid events

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