06 márc


Iden is Protokoll Világnapján, május 11-én kezdődik a háromnapos konferencia!
2023. március 4.
Az NPRSZ elnöke, Hossó Nikoletta kezdeményezésére LaDonna L. Myers (Pentagon, Washington) és Hon. Patricia Kenneth-Divine (International Centre for Protocol and Diplomacy, London) társ-szervezőkke  tavaly nagy skerrel megrendezett protokoll és diplomácia fókuszú konferencia idén folytatódik!
A 30 országból érkező előadók önmagukban garanciát jelentettek, de jól mutatta a rendezvény szintjét az, hogy meghívásukra az USA protokollfőnöke, Amb. Gifford a Fehér Házból a nyitóbeszédet, az USA légierejéért felelős minisztere Amb. Barbara Berrett pedig a Pentagonból tartotta a záróbeszédet – mindketten támogatva a 11 May World Protocol Day nemzetközi deklarációját.
z csak egy kézzelfogható siker a tavalyi évből, melyet a globális diplomácia és protokollvilág nem csupán követ, de el is ismer.
Néhányat idézünk a számos pozitív visszajelzés közül, melyekre büszkék vagyunk:
” Congratulations Nikoletta!
You have made an extraordinary contribution to protocol globally.
I commend you for all the hard work you have done and your passion for protocol! „
Phillipa Dianne Lawrence
former Chief of Protocol
United Nations, Vienna
26 Feb 2023
„Dear Nikoletta,
Thank you for sharing the certificate for being part of the WPM conference! 
It was such an honor and delight to join highly experienced protocol professionals and can’t thank you enough for considering me to be a panelist. Kudos to you and the rest of the team that put together the event, it was a success!”
William Herrera-Molina
Protocol Officer, SLAC National Accelerator Laborator, Los Angeles
Former UN Diplomat, New York
„Dear Nikoletta,
Congratulations on the huge success of the conference!
I look forward to viewing the speakers presenters on a link to soak it all up! 
Hope to meet in person one day! 
Warmest wishes 
Julie Lamberg-Burnet
Sydney School of Protocol
Wow! What a day! 
What an amazing, wonderful conference you and your fellow organizers have all put together!  Very, very impressive!  Congratulations to you and all.  
Thank you for the great honor of including me among your speakers.  I do hope that my talk added to the array of ideas and contributions, and, of course, I hope always it was inspiring.  Coming in line right after the U.S. Protocol Chief, I realized that I might not be able to catch everyone’s attention but was pleased and honored to follow and mostly to promote your great idea for the promotion of PROTOCOL along with Diplomacy in our world.  I’m always „preaching” promoting Diplomacy, and now, though I’ve always known it, this conference has reminded me of the incredible value of Protocol, too, in our world.  
Congrats to you, Nikoletta, and I really look forward to meeting you in person someday. All your work, accomplishments are outstanding.”
Dr. Elisabeth Colton
Diplomat & Journalist in Residence-Warren Wilson College
Professor of Diplomacy-UNITAR& Partner International Universities
Board member at DACOR Bacon House Foreign Affairs & Diplomacy Organisation, former board Member at Public Diplomacy Council, Washington
former Foreign Service Officer & UN Development Planner
Köszönet ezúton is mindazon külföldi kollégának és NPRSZ tagnak, akikkel közösen értük és érjük el céljainkat sikeresen.
Fotó: Hossó Nikoletta, ENSZ Központ, New York